#4 Your Inner Power

Affirmation for Transformation: “My desires are the seeds of my potential.  I create from the source of my inner power.”

Each one of us has an inner child inside of us, that longs to accomplish our desires.  An inner child is a metaphor, although it is a good one, because it represents the child inside of us, innocent, pure, not weighed down by our beliefs, the beliefs of others, fears, and conditions, that block us from dreaming, and believing, that we are able to accomplish anything our heart desires.  It is an appropriate, lighthearted, playful approach to life.  It is good for us at no matter what age to feel like the playful carefree child we once were.  It helps relieve stress and encourages creative thoughts and ideas. Our imagination muscles may have become weak therefore, practice using your imagination so you can envision your desires.

It also implies that we are connected to something inside of us that is greater than the physical body.  That inner source could be called the child inside of you, your Higher Self, or your God-Self. I like to refer to that part of me as my inner cheerleader as it represents the part of my soul on the “other side”.  The piece that never leaves us, always guides us.  When we believe we are “whole”, we are empowered with that truth.  We have power beyond the physical body.  We are quantum, energetic, vibrational, eternal, beings, that are connected and apart of all that is.  We are all connected and are a part of the Whole, Creative Source, God whatever you name it.

If you believe this is true then you can co-create with conscious intention, with your inner cheerleader.  In allowance with the wisdom of divine truth, unconditional love, as a creator, without fear and beliefs, allow your inner cheerleader to be your eyes, and create from that space of higher consciousness.  It is an immensely powerful, beautiful thing to trust that the you-niverse has your back and you will always be okay.

This connection that I’m sharing with you is the space in which we create from.  This is the connection of us with us.  Transformation is the quantum partnership of co-creating.  Tapping into your heart-centered wisdom, raise your vibration, and create the bridge to co-create from within.  Create the world you desire, in allowance, envision your desire without controlling the outcome.

We are quantum, energetic beings, and science helps to explain how our vibrational energies, especially our thoughts, and emotions, affect others, and the implications for humanity through epigenetics.  Many people have experienced suffering, hardships, loss of loved ones, grief, sadness, and depression.  Many people are fearful and uncertain.  Virtual meetings and physical distancing are our current realities.  We are all connected and we long for it. I am more aware of the importance of a smile if only with our eyes.

As energetic beings with our conscious heart-centered intentions, we can energetically support, raise each other’s vibration, and the planetary vibration.   Our heart’s energy can synchronize with the resonant frequencies occurring in the earth’s magnetic fields, and co-creating, heart-focused, intention, can help create a coherent heart energy, that can redirect planetary consciousness toward, love, compassion, and harmonious solutions.

Let this be the year to reclaim our inner power. As connected, co-creators, to brighten our love, light, and with heart centered, pure intentions, create the world we want to see.  This is the time to ask what does our soul desire? We are all important, we are all connected, we are creators! Let this be the year to trust yourself and break free from old patterns. Allow the you-niverse to deliver more than you can imagine.  We can make a difference!


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