#6 You Are Deserving

Affirmation for Transformation: “I get to choose what I want to believe that matches the life I desire.”

All those limiting beliefs accidentally picked up are not who you are. You are deserving!  What you are destined for is waking up from that conditioning, to make small but powerful choices that will liberate you from limiting beliefs.  If you do, your life changes for the better, in a lasting and transformative way. Reprogramming or eliminating our beliefs is love made visible. It is a great act of self-love. It’s fun to go from less to more in your experience but that is difficult if you are your own resistance.  It’s more fun to experience and create. We get to witness our thoughts creating our own reality. 

You are NOT the noise in your mind. To put forth the effort and identify what limiting beliefs are holding you back are you being honest with yourself?  The great news is no matter what array of limiting beliefs you have you can allow yourself the freedom to transform them. When you use awareness, alignment, action, and consistency to identify and resolve them, you can free yourself, and you’ll be able to reveal your authentic you!  By divine free will, you can choose what you want to believe and how you want to live.  You can release the limited conditions! 

Your intentions are powerful. Intent allows you to transform limiting beliefs that you may not even know you had. Some of our emotional baggage goes very deep like abandonment. Ask for help from Spirit/God. 

“Dear Spirit I intend to drop akashic, inappropriate things that don’t serve my highest and greatness. I am instructing my DNA and energy to transform akashic karma.”

The three A’s awareness, alignment, and action can help you in the process. Awareness keeps you in the moment to honor your feelings. Awareness means you are noticing how you feel. Alignment means you trust the co-creative process and you are vibrationally worthy anytime you care how you feel. Action means you are flowing or moving in the direction of your desires. It is our becoming, our creating, that makes it worth the effort. It is always about the experience and that is why we are here!

Here is a quick exercise:


Go to the nearest mirror. If you don’t have a mirror handy, grab your phone, and put it in “selfie mode” so the camera shows your face on the screen.


There are a set of foundational healthy positive beliefs that EVERY human being needs to thrive. Below you’ll find 3 of them as examples:

  • I am good enough.

  • I love myself and I am lovable.

  • I am worthy and deserving (of what I want).

STEP 3  

Starting with statement #1, look in the mirror/phone, directly into your own eyes.  Hold your gaze and say out loud “I am enough”.  Say it numerous times, as you are guided.

If you flinch, hesitate, or feel uncomfortable, it’s an indication you don’t have that positive belief, meaning your mind is currently conditioned in a counter belief program as “I am not good enough” (note: this is a common belief that has wide ranging effects).


Repeat this process with statements #2 and #3 above.  Allow yourself to feel what comes up while honoring your feelings to release.

The beauty of this exercise is that you can’t fool yourself.  When you look into your own eyes, the window to your soul, truth stares back at you.  

For many years now I have had an index card taped to my bathroom mirror that says, “I love you, we are going to accomplish great things together today!”

Blessings for realizing You Are Deserving of all your heart’s desires! 

To start from blog#1 click here https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/1-my-year-of-transformation/ 



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