Affirmation for Transformation: “By divine design I was born to wake up, reclaim my power, free from others conditioning, identify and shift my beliefs.”
There are many stages to waking up and each stage has layers of higher consciousness. One stage is connected to another, in a circle, every flowing, changing, in no specific order, never-ending. By divine design, we are each born to wake up to feeling truths about who we are and our connection to Source energy. It is a divine process of higher consciousness as multi-dimensional beings. The truth is that staying linear, and third-dimensional is not as satisfying or fun. We each have the power to transform our destiny and shape our potential for an abundant, satisfying life. It starts by asking God/Source to… tell you what you need to know?
For many, awakening occurs when you have a major, life-changing event, sometimes referred to as the Dark Night of the soul. The moment you take ownership in realizing on a personal, emotional, level that your happiness and reality are not what you expected. A time of great release and healing. A time of transformation from karma and ego. While in chaos or pain, experiencing a major transformation, spontaneous and deep questions are asked, and you start to see things differently. This is when you truly see through a different set of lenses. Instead of hanging onto victimhood, you start to see the reasons for your experiences. We all most likely have had many transformational experiences and although we try to better ourselves, we may not truly see the bigger picture. We shift from pain to gratitude.
The Integration stage is when you need to regroup, unplug from a busy social environment, and spend time going within. The past and the future feel more like they are in the present. It’s a time of rejuvenation, rest and your authentic voice start to shine. Space is created for new energy, physical, and spiritual upgrades, and activations. You communicate from the heart instead of the mind. You become more centered, grounded, and aware of energy. You realize you are conscious and energetic. As you observe you are participating and creating. You are consciousness observing your thinking mind. Removing layers of beliefs and conditions becomes your purpose.
One stage of awakening is the Trusting stage which has so many levels all by itself and it is not the same as faith. Everyone has life lessons: things they are meant to learn or overcome in this lifetime. Most of us have three major life lessons and trust is one of those for me. When I was going through a higher level of awakening Archangel Metatron, my guardian angel made me more aware of the need to have a greater level of trust. He provided me with sacred geometry, a symbol. It is gold and has a capital T in the middle of a circle. Trust means giving up control of outcomes. Trusting in the guidance and support from Source, your inner-cheerleader, angels, and guides. Trusting in your power as a creator!
The Soul stage of connection is a psychic awareness that is not limited by space and time. We understand we are more than the human body and a single lifetime. We connect to our Inner Cheerleader/self and God/Source. We focus on solutions and not problems. We are spiritual beings, having an essential spiritual relationship, experiencing a divine journey on a planet called earth. A heightened awareness inspires you to look at your surroundings in a different way. When you know who you are and you show up present, in the moment, you find joy in the simple things.
The stage of Bliss happens when you come alive from your knowing that you aren’t alone and are in the flow of your connection to the Source. You feel greater joy and your heart is expansive. You have a new spark for life. You are intuitive, have greater wisdom, feel guided, and start connecting to the ancient wisdom of who you are, and your soul gifts. You start aligning with the vibration of your desires, in the flow and are in receiving mode and you manifest like magic. You recognize synchronicities. You understand co-creating. In this stage of awakening, you are more mature in the way you respond to others and you see things for what they are. As an empath, you are sensitive to energy yet, able to set boundaries. You have compassion for others’ pain and healing, while they are reactive, fearful, and controlling.
The stage of true Self-Love is one of the most important. I am not sure as human beings, we ever get this one quite right, but the key is consistent effort. I always say if all we did was work on self-love it would be enough. In many ways, self-love is at the core of all that is. Truly, loving yourself, the whole of you, being in love with you, and truly feeling the love connection of who you are is the source of joy. Our journey is one of discovery, experiencing, feeling, and love, it starts with ourselves. Shifting our beliefs about our unworthiness, not comparing ourselves to others, and not loving our bodies. Understanding pure unconditional love of self is a constant process to true self-love.
To start from blog#1 in this series click here https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/1-my-year-of-transformation/
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