Affirmation for Transformation: “I have awareness, through epigenetics of my connection to all energy and how it affects my health and my ascension.”
Epigenetics is best explained by simply saying that how our environment and lifestyle affect us determines our wellness. More importantly how we let the energy from our environment affect us and the choices we make. It is always about energy!
The foods that we eat are powerful epigenetic regulators, triggers that determine whether our genes express their potential for either health or disease, Joan Borysenko, PH.D. author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and The Plant Plus Diet Solution. Drug companies fund the FDA and make lots of money by selling drugs. Poor diets are major contributors to our health and 63% of all deaths according to the World Health Organization 2008, reports. More recently it’s reported that the number one cause is misdiagnosis.
Our most precious commodity is our energy which creates our wellness, and our number one reason for happy wellness is our lifestyle choices. Lifestyle is medicine. Dr. Francis Sellers Collins is an American physician-geneticist who discovered the genes associated with several diseases and led the Human Genome Project. He is director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, United States. Referred to it as the new field of epigenetics (a word that means “above the genes”) when he stated that genes load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. Genes were once synonymous with potential. Meaning, if you had bad genes, watch out and if you had good genes, you will be healthy. Epigenetics changed all that through numerous scientific studies over the last 20 years.
The whole lifestyle concept can transform your life both physically and mentally. Lifestyle choices are the number one cause of poor health and unmanaged stress creates symptoms of which doctors are trained to treat but they are not the cause. Stress limits us and causes illness, affecting our nervous system. Your body doesn’t know the difference between an experience that created an emotion and an emotion that was created by thought alone. Your body is believing it is living in that future reality in the present moment. Environment signals the gene as the symptom of an experience in the environment, and it is called an emotion. So, you are signaling the gene and instructing new genes responsible for your body’s structure and function.
When you combine a clear intention with an elevated, heart-centered emotion this is your center of wholeness and the bridge to the quantum field, your Merkabah. When your attention is placed within the stress from the outside of you has little effect on you. A heart-centered emotion is you falling in love with you! You are caring about how you feel, it’s you with you in wholeness. You are feeling worthy to receive because you are aligned, and you are more inspired and optimistic. You feel more gratitude and you began to produce a measurable magnetic field, a frequency of energy. Energy and frequency carry information, which is instructions to your Innate cellular structure, and new chemistry occurs. The more you practice this conscious energy the more you’re instructing your future of wellness to you, your connected to the quantum field.
The key to starting is crossing the bridge from knowledge to action. We must remove the bias’, our own, and those constantly being projected at us from others.
Why is it so hard to put knowledge into action?
Here are some of my tips I have gathered from various sources through the years. Putting my notes here, all in one place was helpful to me. My desire is that something here will help inspire you to take action, as well.
- Do you use confusion as an excuse or evolutionary biology to not make good choices?
- Remember the food industry designs junk food to make it addictive.
- Processed foods change our physical and mental health. They change our moods, and perceptions, make us anxious, depressed keep us stuck vs living on purpose.
- If your environment is cluttered, and toxic, the energy may not support your wellness.
- If you are not using mindfulness, meditation, yoga, exercise, breath work, reiki, other energy work, and/or a passionate project, to deal with stress, you become ill.
- Truth empowerment… Tell your mind to shut up and stop telling your stomach you are hungry. “We aren’t hungry we are bored, emotionally. What do we really want or need? A passionate project, self-love, sleep, self-care, or dealing with emotional issues. Let’s work on that!”
- Organic whole foods reduce toxins in the body by 70% in 6 days.
- Eating foods, you know aren’t good for you, result in your thought about the food and your corresponding action being off balance. This is a disconnection from the whole of you, the source within.
- You could be in alignment by not eating the food or changing how you feel about it when you eat it. Approach food with alignment.
- Appreciation, pleasure, and value lead you to smarter choices.
- Direction is so much more important than speed. Slow down make lifestyle choices and establish healthy patterns.
- The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.
- You always have the right to choose freedom.
- Move your body, dance, and sing, it only takes a spark of inspiration.
- If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.
As humans, we all need occasionally to release, re-activate, re-generate, and re-balance our energy field. With the help of Loving Hands Loving Heart’s Quantum Healing System and co-creating we can help!
Schedule a free 20-minute Radical Transformational Strategy Call… what’s your biggest current challenge? Sign up Here
To start from blog#1 in this series click here https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/1-my-year-of-transformation/
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