Affirmation for Transformation: “I observe the patterns in my life, connect to my deeper truth, and take back my power!”
When we observe behavior patterns, our subconscious mind replays the same habits that keep us stuck from evolving. Those of us in toxic relationships often repeat subconscious patterns due to co-dependency. We are meant to stop and figure out why. You deserve your love and attention. Without judging yourself, feeling unworthy or stuffing the feelings down, pretending you don’t feel the way you do, and distracting yourself by focusing on others and focusing on their needs, it’s time to focus on your own needs.
Last-minute focus intervention creates a situation of chaos. When we wait until a crisis erupts before we do anything about it. As a result, we have no choice but to focus on external results instead of root causes. When we do this repeatedly it becomes our practice. We create patterns that repeat themselves because the subconscious mind records how to do things on autopilot. If you practice doing something enough it becomes the way of things and change becomes a fear-based response. We see this as it relates to our health when we treat symptoms instead of managing the cause, or worse yet are in desperate need of surgery. Dr. Bradly Nelson says this well in his book The Body Code. “ Surgery is the most common dramatic intervention in Western medicine. Surgery is sometimes perfectly appropriate, but it has proven to be an unnecessary form of treatment in too many cases.”
We must start caring about how we feel and when we feel something isn’t right or doesn’t make us happy don’t wait until we are in crisis before doing something about it. It creates a pattern of control, fight, flight, or freeze. If your body gives you a sign, a symptom, that something is wrong see it as a blessing and care enough about yourself to get to the root cause. If we aren’t feeling happy about something, or our thoughts are disconnected from ourselves, our inner cheerleader, don’t wait. Make time to explore what this unease is telling you, now. Love yourself enough to take time for yourself. Care enough about how you feel. Feel better now, not later. Your feelings are trying to tell you something and to pay attention.
We are meant to get to the root of the habitual behavior. You are worthy of your awareness, attention, observation, and acceptance. You are worthy of your attention and become more objective, honest, and authentic with yourself. Most people are activating based on history so, the future keeps being just like the past because you keep letting the story of what has been, tell your story. You know what you want and don’t want. You don’t like what you have yet, you keep telling it like it is.
Start telling a new story like this one…
I thought I knew who this person was but there was a lot of pretending going on and lack of communication. The good news is that I discovered things about myself. I saw all the ways the contrast was the contrast helped push me into discovering my own worth. Now, I’m so excited to be with the person who is expanding like I am, knows exactly who they are, loves life, and knows that life is supposed to be fun. I love the person who reaches for vibrational resonance with who they really are. So, thank you for that journey and the benefit it has given me because I’m so clear about that. Thank you because I have learned more about relationships, my life lessons, and my purpose, and thank you for showing up as planned. I have so much gratitude and forgiveness because of the experience and those involved. Sorry for them not knowing who they are but I know more about what I’m looking for and who I am. I have so much gratitude because I can move on with an expanded heart knowing I am an extension of Source energy.
Do you recognize the patterns that no longer serve you but are not sure how to change them? Are you feeling stuck in an unhappy relationship and needing some inspiration and clarity to create a new beginning? Are you feeling sorrow, abandonment, or grief, and can’t seem to shake it? Are you struggling and never seem to get ahead? We have your back and would like to help.
For a free 20-minute Radical Transformational Discovery Call… ask me anything! How can I help? Schedule here
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