#9 From Fear to Clear

Affirmation for Transformation: “I am an energetic being what I believe I attract.  I chose to shift my lenses; I transform my life.”

The truth is that for some people going within to clear the baggage of beliefs and conditions: to shift can be fearful.   When we turn within, we often discover our voices, feelings, impulses, and experiences.  When we recognize that we have years of false beliefs, lies, survival experiences, and centuries, even lifetimes, of third dimensional, barbaric, conditioning, it’s no wonder we get frightened.  It’s no wonder we may have much ego and want to control everything.  

The challenge that we have in the beginning of our transformation, while we seek contact with the highest, we may reveal the less worthy side of ourselves.  Facing our own ego, greed, possessiveness and making changes can be frightful.  The shift we seek requires a break-through by facing our fears so, we can stop telling ourselves lies.  See what you are scared to see.

Some, who are frightened by doing the work, may oversimplify matters by concluding that information received from within is either from God or the devil (for those who may believe this). Some may believe that emotional fears should remained stuffed down, ignoring the constant nudge to release what keeps them stuck, unhappy, unsatisfied, and feeling unworthy of the joy and life they are meant to experience.  Over doing hope isn’t faith it is fear. We are seekers, powerful beings, and should be careful to avoid simplistic evaluations.  We each have a soul level, unique perspective.  Each of us have our own divine timelines, and we should not judge others for theirs.

Even though I am sensitive and can connect with other dimensional energies and knowledge, I have not always been this consciously aware.  I have and still work at transforming and allowing whatever it is to surface and release, what doesn’t serve my greatest and highest goodness.  I often say that transformation is an act of self-love and this is something that I still need much work on.  The interesting thing is each time we think that we have made major leaps to our own healing of self-love we discover yet another layer.  I look forward to the discoveries. I love, welcome, change, and transformation.  It is exciting to learn new levels of consciousness and it is important to support and advance our soul. We are connected, whole, and an extension of Source, not separate.  Get past the past.  Get real about the present reality.  Trust that the you-niverse has your back!  Clearing baggage, is so freeing, and inspiring.  Clearing baggage is the way to discovering our authentic self.  We are here for a reason, to shift, have fun, and enjoy the journey! We are here for the experience.

We have tremendous power. It is our choice to release what no longer serves us. Our power is in our choices and intent to feel and allow whatever emotional energy needs to be released. With our pure intentions and a state of allowance and observation, awareness to feel and honor our feelings we can let go with grace. The more we are aware of our feelings and honor it the easier it can be. Even deep akashic karma from many lifetimes ago can surface to be honored and let go. It is the greatest feeling of freedom.

We can be empowered to release old baggage and to create a reality of our desires. It allows us to be authentic. It allows space for new energy and blessings to come into our lives. Free from the baggage of our past allows us to experience greater happiness in our lives. Our freedom is our truth.  “Be You, Be Happy, Be Free!” We have free will and the ability to attract and manifest our desires.  I call these two gifts the ”Gifts of Freedom”.  

I have learned many tools to help release what doesn’t serve us over the years and angel helpers that love and support us in a co-creative space to heal. Using Loving Hands Loving Heart’s Quantum Healing System, we often get instant radical transformation. We enjoy sharing this with you in a heart centered, safe, non-judgmental space.  Please feel free to contact me and ask about some ways that we could help you too!  


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