Affirmation for Transformation: “I am good enough for whatever my heart desires. I choose to see myself as already good enough!”
There are too many instances that I witness others self-sabotaging their happiness. Some people spend their whole lives staying stuck due to fear and unworthiness. Unworthiness can affect all aspects of our personal lives, relationships, careers, happiness, and good health. Look at each of your 6 key potentials: Mind, Body, Spirit, Relationships, Career, and Finances. Ask yourself what is working? What are you able to give gratitude too? As a coach for 40 years, training and teaching, hundreds of sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and groups. I’ve learned a lot about people and why they do or do not accomplish their desires.
You can sincerely want something and that may include increasing your income although, the road will be tough at minimum unless you figure out why you aren’t holding yourself accountable. It takes a commitment to yourself but that’s easier said then done unless you use some of the techniques I’ve learned over the years.
If a man doesn’t feel he is worthy of a good wife and a happy life he may be spending the rest of his life self-sabotaging his own happiness out of fear. Unfortunately, it may keep him from having what he truly desires. If he has it, there is a good chance he won’t truly recognize or fully appreciate it. If someone wants to be an artist or musician when they grow up, and as a young child a parent tells them that that they aren’t good enough, or it’s not a good career because they can never make money at it then, that young child will always be blocked by that subconscious belief.
If you were me the key here would be that you may have been made to believe that you could never make good enough money as a starving artist.
For most of us our beliefs are acquired at a young age. Scientists say that most of our conditioning is obtained by age seven.
You must be dedicated and committed to look for the limiting patterns to move forward in your life. Remember that like a mirror our outside world show us what we are telling ourselves in the inside whether we are aware of it or not.
Our subconscious mind learns what we like and don’t like and supports us in this way. We are often on auto pilot because of the patterns our beliefs create. It is not a matter or right or wrong, should of, could of, because often we respond on auto pilot. We train our mind to respond or react in certain ways and then we create patterns, conditions of thought.
We often self-sabotage our happiness and don’t know why. By recognizing your mind is doing what it had been trained to do, you can begin to shift your beliefs and take steps to accomplishing what you desire.
The good news is … no matter what array of limiting beliefs you have, when you use clarity, process, and consistency to identify and resolve them, you can free yourself, to reveal your authentic self!
What is it that blocks you from moving forward? What seems to block your happiness? Don’t blame someone in the present for the beliefs you have acquired in the past. Taking responsibility is recognizing it’s not your fault you acquired that belief and choosing to transform it, for something better. Because no matter what you believe you are worthy of your heart’s desires!
The first step is to clarify the origin of the belief that is blocking your happiness or ability to move forward.
Start by asking your self at what age did you acquire that belief?
At what age did you learn that you weren’t worthy of a happy marriage?
At what age did you learn that you weren’t worthy of a good wife/husband?
At what age did you learn you weren’t worthy of good health?
At what age did you learn that you weren’t worthy of a lot of money?
At what age did you learn that you weren’t worthy of money coming easy?
At what age did you learn that you weren’t worthy of becoming a _______?
At what age did you learn you weren’t worthy of being pretty/slim/sexy?
Who taught you that belief?
Journal your thoughts.
My Year of Transformation: WEEKLY PLANNER supports your transformation, follow along with us every week, using your planner, weekly affirmations, and blog to transform your life. Shift to the magic of inner gratitude for the life you desire with us each week. You can start your My Year of Transformation Planner Journal anytime you choose!
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