#2 Clarifying Your Desires

Affirmation for Transformation: “I know what my desires feel like, and I remind myself at every opportunity.”

A decision, a goal, a vision board, and a new year’s resolution is not a reason for success.  These things do not create inspiration, action, or manifestation because they are outside of us.  How many times have you set goals that you did not achieve?  Over the course of my career as a coach I have witnessed many professionals lose momentum and motivation towards achieving their goals.  Some lose the motivation within a few months, weeks, and even a few days of setting their goals.  

How many times have you set a new year’s resolution and achieved it?  You decided to lose weight, start an exercise plan, quit smoking and yet you did not have success.  A study from Scranton University says that only 8% of the people who decide to make a new year’s resolution achieve it.  We often decide to do something and then change our mind.  “Decided” does not mean executed on, decided means there is another way. 

Decisions and goals created outside of you will not motivate you to face diversity or give you the inner confidence to accomplish what you want.  Our thoughts are our reality.

We need to create from a source of inner power.  A goal is a thing, but a desire is something we feel.  Your desires are the seeds of your potential. We transform our consciousness so that we can achieve our hearts desires.  The key to manifesting your desires is your emotional connection to the feeling of your desire. 

Now is the time to clarify your plans. Clarifying your desires helps to ground you.  Harness your imagination to clarify your desires. Take advantage of being a problem solver and ground your plans. 

To invite clarity into your life, in the stillness ask your angels, spirit guides, ancestors, and inner-cheerleader, (higher-self) to guide you towards fulfilling your divine soul path and purpose.  Co-creating is knowing that they are assisting you, supporting, paving the way, and highlighting the next steps that you need to take. It requires trust.

It’s important to feel your desire and put some emotion behind it. You can say what you desire as often as you like, but if you don’t put emotion behind it, it’s harder to make it a reality. Take your desire from a “want” to a “why”. 

To deeply commit and take a stand for what your desire you must feel like you already have it.  You must be aligned with the feeling of your desire.  This is often not easy when your mind is focused on your current reality and the lack in it.  

We are magnetic beings and what we think we attract.  Recognizing our thoughts is an important mindful lesson to what you are placing your energy on. 

Journal the answer to these questions.

  • If you let yourself truly feel your deepest desires and believe that the you-niverse is supporting you, what would you create? 
  • Why do you want your desire? 
    • What will that change in your life, family, and your business?
    • Is your desire worthy of your precious energy?
    • Can you take ownership of it and be fully committed?
    • Perhaps it gives you the opportunity to give back and make a bigger difference in the world?
  • Does your desire bring you one step closer to fulfilling your purpose?
  • What heart felt emotions and feelings are associated with your desire? 

To connect to your deepest desire, what you are really yearning for… it must be felt! 

Imagine you’re telling an old friend about your life, how you are living your desires, how amazing it is, how blessed you are! 

  • What details and feelings are you sharing, as you tell this dear old friend what your heart truly desired, and now that you have it, and are doing it explain how you feel?

 Here is an exercise in FEELING: 

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.  Take a few more deep breaths and clear your mind by bringing your attention to your heart chakra area and observe by feeling the energy in your body.  

What feelings come up when you envision your future?  

Where in your body do you feel these feelings?  Notice any resistance you have (such as tightness, heaviness, discomfort, or fear) as well as any positive feelings (such as warmth, expansion, or love).  Observe your body, don’t judge it. 

Ask your body what it wants you to know?  Does it feel emotional or inspire you? Does it shift your perspective? 

No matter where you are or who’s around you, make it your dominant intent to look for that which feels the best in every aspect.  This is your truth, your guiding light.  This is the way you align and allow the evidence of it in your life and by example, in the lives of others.


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