Affirmation for Transformation: “I understand epigenetics, I am what I eat, drink, think, my environment, my relationship with myself and others.”
“Only 10% of caterpillars turn into butterflies – the other 90% become moths. To make this leap into our becoming, we must shed the way the entire history of humanity lives within us.” ― Alberto Villoldo, Medical Anthropologist
Regeneration is possible. Consciousness can change our chemistry so we can age less, live longer, and have healthier lives. Each cell in the human body is specific to its own organ, imprint, and when it divides we regenerate organs and skin. It does its own thing, without any new consciousness, or intent, a process occurs. Without conscious intent the body does what it does. If you make a conscious intent you alert change to take place. Old souls imprint is in your DNA and you give it intent for change. As in epigenetics, your thoughts and words have an immensely powerful effect on your wellness.
In the moment of intent, the cell divides in a way it hadn’t before and creates what you ask for because DNA knows there is an intelligence within your Merkabah (the field around you), which is the DNA field that knows all about who your soul is and who it has ever been. It analyses the intent, then starts to change every cell as it is divided in a slow process. It’s not instantly. It is happening and you just must trust it. Your emotional body has known this all along. You can’t undue it.
What do you want? This is an example of what you might say:
“I am a piece of God and I am learning to become quantum. In this multi-dimensional state, I claim what I can do. Now change it.”
It’s an imprint of action. Consciousness changes physics. Your intentions create a rearranged process. It’s quantum and multi-dimensional and your spiritual knowing changes patterns. If there is a disease in your body you can ask to create cells that don’t have it. Your Innate knows how to create those cells. Little by little your body regenerates without the disease. If you have a block ask your body to regenerate without the block. Innate is smarter than you are because it knows what you do not. When you start trusting that you are already whole and capable of amazing things, then amazing things can happen. You can start to connect and communicate with your Innate smart body with unconditional love and support for your wellness. Any imbalance can go away in appropriate time and action with your intent.
Fear is the symptom of some who do not want to change, to ascend. We have the gift of free will and we can transform just like a caterpillar to a butterfly. There is a long history, old souls have fought the good fight, war, after war, death, negativity, hate, lifetime, after lifetime just trying to survive until the next day. Humans should not judge the lack of self-worth because we have had many lifetimes stuck in third dimensional energy. We now have shifted, and you can choose too also. Third dimensional energy does not cooperate with fifth dimensional energy because your free will choice to shift vibrates higher.
Any habits that are killing you, your Innate knows what you already have inside of you that creates contrast and wellness. Your Akash remembers what you need to have a better metabolism and weight to height ratio for the greatest health. Innate remembers who you used to be.
Ask: “change my diet preferences where I need to. Crave what I need and not what I want. Bring me to balance and vitality because I love me”.
How do you know you are connected? It starts with trust. Are you truly feeling love of self and do you feel full on body chills? Your Innate is celebrating and feels joy. What took you so long! The body listens, it is made to, it is built to regenerate and now it has specific instructions how. It is a benevolent process, and your consciousness has awakened the bridge between consciousness and cellular structure. The key is you just had to care enough and fall in love with yourself. Only you can do it!
Read more in my next blog.
As humans we all need occasionally to release, re-activate, re-generate and re-balance our energy field. With the help of Loving Hands Loving Heart’s Quantum Healing System and co-creating we can help!
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To start from blog#1 in this series click here https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/1-my-year-of-transformation/
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