#14 Your Wish is Your Command

Affirmation for Transformation: “To manifest my desires means that I trust that the you-universe will deliver them.  My wish is my command.”

10 Tips to Shift Your Perception and Manifest Your Desires. While I have numbered these tips they are not in a specific order:

  1. Affirmations help you achieve your desires. Affirmations are a great tool to enhance the effectiveness of the process. They complement and hold on better to your intentions. The more you repeat the affirmation to yourself the more your brain solidifies the neuro pathways going to those thoughts. Repeated with no doubts and believing it is already true.
  1. Don’t keep observing what it is, what you don’t want because you are recreating the same.  Think less about what is not working out and more about what is.  Stop noticing you don’t have what you want.  Focusing on dissatisfaction and awareness of the absence of your desire makes it challenging to find a path to it. Specifically, think about the blessings in your life and all the things that are going right.  Believing… is seeing.
  1. Take action in the state of your beliefs. We attract what we give our attention to, stop, and be aware of our focus.  Be curious, everything happens for a reason, but more importantly, be kind to yourself and feel what comes up to be released. Center your awareness of who you are so, you can stop what doesn’t matter.  
  1. Negative emotions and resistance will keep your desires from coming to you. Stop and take a deep breath, if just for a moment.  Being aware of your breathing is as important as 15 – 30 minutes of meditation.  Bring your attention to your heart center and observe the energy in your body.  It is an opportunity for transformation and to see a different perspective.  
  1. You don’t have to agree, take the wisdom route of understanding vs reacting.  Realizing others have their own pain, paths, and healing and it’s not yours. Protect your boundaries others may try to feed your weakness and wabble.
  1. Stay strong, and don’t allow distractions or numbing to take your power.  Remember how important you are. Care about how you feel first and foremost. If you’re feeling off balance check in and see who is leading the way. If your inner cheerleader leads the way, you won’t feel off and wobbly in your energy and frequency. Aligning with your inner cheerleader means you are in the flow.
  1. Stop worrying, and TRUST in your inner cheerleader, Source, and guide as the absolute loving, all-knowing, all-seeing, that supports you in the highest and best way. You are constantly being supported and loved.
  1. You can’t get to where you want to be from where you are.  Transformation requires a different perception.  You are the most important, deserving, person in the life of your time and attention.  You’re healing and happiness is most important to you and to your loved ones.
  1. When you know what you don’t want you understand what you do want.  Sometimes it is easier to start there.  You don’t have to have all the answers or know what it is that keeps you stuck.

10. Using your imagination, dreaming, pretending, feeling, and thinking like a child, is your greatest friend and best tool for success. Think about the state of your desire because our thoughts create our reality. What are your thoughts and who are you being? Take action in that state. Traveling is better than arriving because we came to experience life in magical ways by not controlling outcomes.

For more information https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/my-year-of-transformation-weekly-planner/ 

For a FREE BONUS BUNDLE ($221.00 value) Radical Transformation Discovery Call: ONE ON ONE… ask me anything.  How can I help? https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/my-year-of-transformation-weekly-planner/ 

To start from blog#1 in this series click here https://lovinghandslovingheart.net/1-my-year-of-transformation/ 


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